Follow along with 30 different video tutorials for easy do-it-yourself gift ideas. These are great for Christmas, birthdays, and other holidays. You’ll find ideas for kids, adults, and even yourself.
Created in September 2016, this series offers video tutorials as well as free patterns for many of the gift ideas. These ideas include sewing ideas, woodworking, cement, food, and other crafts.
Gift that you can make
Idea #1: Grocery Bag Holders
Idea #2: Homework or Art Displays
Idea #3: Cloth Napkins or Wipes
Idea #4: Mint Extract
Idea #5: Bread Bag (to give with fresh bread)
Idea #6: Braided Dog Toy
Idea #7: Paper Mache Pokeball
Idea #8: Peach Infused Liquor
Idea #9: Extra Large Pot Holder
Idea #10: Fabric and Wood Cross
Idea #11: Adult Apron
Idea #12: Cake Mix Cookies in a Mason Jar
Idea #13: Pillowcase
Idea #14: Library Tote Bag
Idea #15: Tile Coasters
Idea #16: Coffee Cozy
Idea #17: Essential Oil Storage Box
Idea #18: Bowl and Casserole Dish Covers
Idea #19: Dry Oil Perfume
Idea #20: Lunch Bag
Idea #21: DIY Wall Decals
Idea #22: Pokemon Boo Boo Bags
Idea #23: Cement Candle Holders
Idea #24: Wood Step Stools
Idea #25: Easy Soy Candles
Idea #26: Cutting Boards
Idea #27: T-Shirt Stencils Using Freezer Paper
Idea #28: Balancing Wine Holder
Idea #29: Easy Concrete Planters
Idea #30: Reusable Gift Bags
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