What is a modular barn? Our experience buying and having a modular barn installed on our property for our horse farm.
These home and garden projects focus around homesteading and being more self sufficient. Learn more about gardening, build planters, a coop, or a barn for your farm animals, and live a more ecofriendly life.
This blog focuses a lot on maintaining a balance between modern America and living in the suburbs of a high population area with my desire to try to live a more environmentally friendly and self sufficient life. We try to make food from scratch, garden, and make clothing, toys,and more from scratch when possible. We also upcycle heavily.
Installation process for a heavy duty gate wheel. Adding a gate wheel is an easy way to support a large gate for your field.
How to make TWO quick and easy jump standards for jumping your horses using a 10′ 4×4 and scrap 2x4s! These were painted to match my barn.
Easy to install solar fence lights for your farm fencing- for under $100! This convenient option gives off subtle lighting along a fence line.
How to make easy rolling feed bins that you can use on your farm to move feed bins around. This makes for easier cleaning for your tack room.