Here are DIY projects that you should complete for your homestead to make your small farm easier to manage, more profitable, and more self sufficient.
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There’s nothing I love better than a GOOD DIY project for my homestead. Those projects often help make the farm and animals easier to manage, which makes my daily chores easier. Every month (or week?) I try to add structures or small adjustments to make my workload easier. This gives me more time to enjoy just being on the farm and all of the hard work that I do.
Work smarter, not harder.
Here are some structures that will help you get where you want to be on your small farm.
DIY Homestead Projects
Here are some DIY homestead project ideas that you can make for your small farm to help your farm be more self sufficient and easier to manage.
How to Keep a Water Trough Clean for Livestock
Keep your water trough clean with these simple DIY adjustments.
Mobile Shade Structure
Adding a mobile shade structures allows you to place shade in different fields without building a structure for each field.
DIY Chicken Tractor
Chicken tractors are perfect for rotating chickens on fresh ground to reduce bedding cost and improve their health. It also helps them forage for bugs!
How to Extend the Drain on a Trough
Extended the trough drain can help keep water from pooling around the watering area of your field. This helps reduce mud.
DIY Outdoor Guinea Pig House
We keep guinea pigs for pets, but we do sooooo many chores outdoors that it made sense to move our guinea pigs outside too. Here's how we made our guinea pig cage and run.
How to Build a Bean Teepee
Build a bean teepee for the kids to enjoy, as well as to help contain the plants as they grow.
DIY Duck Run
Predator-proof your duck or chicken run to make sure that you're not struggling with unnecessary losses.
How to Build a Greenhouse (plus supply cost & what to plant)
Build a greenhouse to extend your growing season and start plants early.
DIY Chicken Waterer with Nipples: A 5 minute project!
This chicken waterer is easy to make with a 5 gallon bucket! It's a great way to keep water clean and cool in the summer heat.
DIY Chicken Roost Idea Using Tree Branches!
These chicken roosts are made with old branches from the yard. It looks super rustic!
DIY Meat Chicken Tractor with Plans
This meat tractor has enough height to comfortable step in and feed/water your grow outs.
DIY Hanging Chicken Waterer
I love hanging the chicken feed or water up a bit higher to keep them from getting bedding, dirt, and poo inside their clean food/water.
Build an Easy to Clean Duck Coop with Attached Storage
Learn how to build a duck coop that has an attached storage area for bedding and feed.
How to Build a Goat House: Supplies & Framing
Learn how to frame a house for your goats, sheep, or small horses.
How to Build a Goat House: Siding & Roofing
Learn how to add siding for your small animal structure.
How to Build a Super Frugal Goat Shelter
On a budget? Learn how to build a frugal goat shelter.
How to Build a Simple Goat Feeder
Build a simple goat feeder.
DIY Hay Feeder
This DIY hay feeder is perfect for goats or sheep.
How to Make a Milking Stand for Nigerian Dwarf Goats
Learn how to make a milking stand for your goats.
DIY Bench and Goat Petting Area
Put together a small bench and goat petting area to spend time with your herd.
How to Build Simple Privacy Planters with Lattice
Put together some privacy planters with lattice. These are perfect for plants that love to grow on a trellis and there's room in front for flowers, herbs, or other plants.
How to Build a Wooden Garden Arch
A garden arch is perfect for holding back knockout roses, grapes, and more!
The Fluffy Butt Hut – A Hot Mess Homestead
This small scale chicken coop with attached run is perfect for those who love keeping backyard chickens.
How To Build a Water and Mineral Stand for Your Homestead
DIY water and mineral stand.
How To Use Pallets as Small Bridges on the Homestead
Use pallets to make small bridges for your homestead.
I’ve been working on a few guides that may help you in your journey:
- Farm Hacks: Make life easier with these tips!
- Creating a shared feed/water area between two fields.
- Beginner’s guide to clearing your land.
- Electric fence installation for the family farm
- Types of wire fencing (and how I wasted money on the wrong kinds)
- How to dig fence post holes by hand
- How to keep your trough clean
- Cost analysis of raising your own meat chickens
- Types of grass seed
- How to plant grass
- How to pasteurize goat milk
Here’s a video showing how some of our structures are setup and adjustments that I’ve made to help streamline chores.
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