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Types of Glue for Crafts, Sewing, and DIY

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A guide to the types of adhesives that you should use for crafts, sewing, and DIY. Learn what type of glue will work best for your project.

Glue is an essential component of any DIY or craft project. However, not all types of crafts are compatible with the same types of glue. Knowing which glue to use for which project can make a difference in how that project turns out.

Whether it be a specialized form of glue for a type of material or a decorative glue that holds more aesthetic value than adhesive, knowing which glue to use can make all the difference in taking your crafting skills to the next level. Not only do different types of glue improve the outcome of your work, but it also allows you to be a more efficient crafter.

In this blog post, I will be talking about the different types of glue used by people who enjoy crafting. If you have been meaning to take your crafting skills up a notch by incorporating different types of glue into your crafts kit, you have come to the right place. Whether it be mod podge, fabric glue, or the traditional glue stick, this article will be covering it all.

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Please read the whole post so you don’t miss any important information!

What Type Of Glue Is Best For Crafts?

The best types of glue for crafts vary depending on the craft or project. Almost all glue fulfills the basic need for adhesive support. However, some glues function better than others based on the type of material used and the overall structure of the project.

Here are some of the most popular types of glue used by crafters.

White Glue

White glue, commonly known as Elmer’s glue, is one of the most basic crafting tools in the art world. This glue can work on almost any type of surface including wood, fabric, metal, paper, etc.

White glue is commonly known as kid’s glue or school glue. Because of this, it is non-toxic and non-water resistant. This makes it a bit weaker than of types of glue. White glue is a great starting option if you are a beginner at crafting and are unsure of getting specialized products.

Glue Stick

Glue sticks are another type of glue almost everyone is familiar with. The standard glue stick is not very strong and works best on materials that do not require much support, such as paper.

Similar to white glue, glue sticks are also common in school stationery. Because of this, they are easy to wash off and are non-toxic. The biggest perk of glue sticks is that they are easy to use. While they aren’t even half as strong as other glues, they are less likely to cause any messes while using.

I use glue sticks often to assemble printed sewing patterns.

Hot Glue Gun

Hot glue guns disperse hot glue that dries very quickly. They have various uses based on the types of glue sticks inserted into the gun. Hot glue guns are moderately strong in terms of adhesive bonding. However, the glue can fall apart when in high temperatures.

Normally, hot glue guns are used in projects to stick things together. However, hot glue can also add texture to a craft because of how fast it dries.

Glue gun and glue sticks are a good adhesive for repairing broken items and doing some crafts.

Projects featuring a glue gun:

Fabric Glue

Fabric glue is a type of glue, made specifically for tricking pieces of fabric together. There are various types of glue for fabric that are more specific to the type of fabric being used. However, simple craft projects can make do with any general type of fabric glue.

Compared to regular types of glue, fabric glue tends to be a bit stronger and capable of holding multiple layers of fabric intact. Fabric glue is also completely waterproof. This prevents the glue from weakening when the fabric is washed.

Fabric adhesive that is permanent.

I don’t use fabric glue often because I generally sew fabric (it simply works better to sew it), but it’s often used for applying patches to uniforms for Scouts.

Wood Glue

There are many types of glue for wood, depending on how the user intends to use the wood. Simple crafts work does not need industrial-level adhesives used by professionals. Even regular white glue functions well enough for basic woodwork.

However, if you are making a crafts project with lots of heavy pieces of wood, getting wood glue can be helpful. Wood glue is a lot stronger than regular glue. Because of this, it can provide more support to crafts that use wood.

Large container of wood glue for woodworking projects.

Projects featuring wood glue:

Adhesive Spray

Glue spray is another form of adhesive, commonly used in crafts. This glue comes in a bottle and can be sprayed on surfaces to make them sticky. This comes in handy when you have to spray glue over large surfaces.

Glue spray is not the strongest adhesive. It can also release a lot of unpleasant fumes when used in large quantities. This glue should only be used in a well-ventilated space and on large surfaces.

Spray adhesive leaves a thin layer of spray and works well for paper and cardboard projects.

Mod Podge

Mod podge, functions as a type of glue as well as a glue sealer.  Due to its water base, it has a very liquid-like consistency.

Mod podge can be used in various ways. Often it is thought of as the ultimate seal due to its water-resistant properties and strong adhesive grip. Other than simply sticking things together, mod podge can also be used to build up structures and add varnishing to projects.

Mod podge is a good adhesive for many crafts.

Most people are familiar with normal mod podge which comes in glossy or matte, but mod podge makes several different types of their product, including dishwasher safe mod podge, puzzle saver, fabric, glitter, and exterior mod podge.

Projects featuring mod podge:

Adhesive Caulk

Adhesive caulk is used for larger scale DIY and home renovation projects. Liquid Nails is one popular brand of adhesive caulk, which needs a caulk gun to dispense. This type of caulk differs from your traditional caulk because it helps keeps products from moving around rather than just filling cracks.

Projects featuring adhesive caulk:

All purpose adhesive caulk is good for home renovation projects.

Things To Know Before Using Glue For Crafting

Glue can often be dangerous, whether it be because of the temperature of the glue or the chemicals used inside the glue. Specialized glue in particular, such as wood glue and fabric glue is a lot stronger than regular glue. Thus these glues must be used with proper safety precautions in place.

Also, make sure to be wary of the people surrounding you when you use strong glues. For example, if you have any pets at home, make sure to place your glue in a place where they are unable to reach it. When one of my dogs was a puppy, he grabbed a closed container of Gorilla Glue off the counter and ate it; this is a veterinary emergency and almost impossible to remove from fur too. Apparently dogs think it smells delicious as I was able to find others with similar stories.

If you are doing craft projects with your children, make sure to use glue that isn’t too strong and is easy to wash off.

I like to use disposable gloves when using strong glues so it’s easy to clean my hands when I’m done. Reusing paper bags is a good way to protect your table surface.


This has been a brief introduction to the main types of glue used by people for making crafts and DIY projects. There are many other types of glue out there as well. As you get more integrated into the crafting world, you will slowly become familiar with all of them.

Until then, thank you for reading, and happy crafting!

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Types of adhesives for crafts and DIY projects.

Google Web Story: Types of Glue for Crafts and Sewing

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