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18 Sewing Tips and Tricks for Beginners

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Sewing tips and tricks for beginner sewists.

18 Sewing Tips and Tricks for Beginners from Top Sewing Bloggers. Learn the tricks of the trade here, including what we wish we’d known when we first started sewing.

When you get your first sewing machine, it can be pretty intimidating. Mine collected dust for 10 years before I became better acquainted with it. It wasn’t until I discovered the internet that I really began to delve into sewing and figuring out how to use my machine. I realized it was so much easier than I thought and a lot of projects weren’t so far beyond my reach.

You can find projects that really inspire you to learn how to sew, follow bloggers who inspire you and whose educational style meshes well with your own, and it won’t be as hard as you feared.

Make sure you check out my Introduction to Sewing post.

But before you get started, here are some tips from some experienced sewing bloggers!

18 Sewing Tips and Tricks for Beginners

Tip 1: “Watch You Tube videos to learn techniques that you think are hard. Seeing how it is done is sometimes much easier than deciphering instructions.”  –Sharon at
Tip 2: “Get familiar with your machine and don’t give up! I almost gave up sewing during my first project because nothing was working. Instead I took out the manual and realized i just had the bobbin inserted backwards! I’m so glad I figured it out and kept going!” -Jaylyn of Jaylyn Pace Handmade
Tip 3: “For apparel sewists: just because a pattern doesn’t fit out of the envelope, doesn’t mean there is something “wrong” with your body. Learning to sew means making clothes to fit YOUR particular body, the patterns are just starting blueprints.” -Paulette at Petite Font
Tip 4: “I know you want to jump in and sew something right away but take the time to understand your machine and what it does and get very familiar with it. The same with fabric. Learn a little about grain before you start to sew. So your first project is a success that way you’ll keep going.” Chris at Sew Journs
Tip 5: “Old sewing machines, like the one your mom or grandma had, can be far superior to the inexpensive machines at the box store and have a much longer lifespan than the expensive new machines from the sewing machine dealer. I’m on the verge of wearing out my fancy machine and plan on replacing it with one my grandmother bought in 1976.” – Michelle of Michelle’s Romantic Tangle
Tip 6: “Every mistake you make is a lesson learned. Dare to try out new things. Do your research in books, magazines, Fb groups, YouTube or whatever your favorite platform is and than go for it.” -Nathalie of Nathalies Needle
Tip 7: “When choosing a new project, choose one with at least one new skill that you haven’t done before. This is a sure way to build your skills and confidence.” Melyssa at The Wearable Studio

Tip 8: “Do the easy bits first. That way you haven’t got much left when the hard bit comes, and you want to see the outcome. Keeps you motivated!” -Carissa of Faith and Felt Obsession

Tip 9: “Don’t be afraid of “hard projects”. Sew what interests you! We learn best by doing.” -Alyssa of The Sewing Goatherd
Tip 10:  “Don’t start anything until you’ve prewashed your fabric!” – Rin of Sew In Love
Tip 11: “Always change your rotary blade after every few months. Will save you a lot of headaches. Also, read the pattern several times.” -Javeryia from Sew Some Stuff 
Tip 12: “There are so many resources available now to learn sewing it’s easy to get lost. Don’t learn just by reading about sewing. Do something after reading or watching if you want to be successful. Learn by doing. Start small maybe with making a pillowcase or an apron but be consistent. It takes time to make things. Don’t give up – stick with it and you will win.” -Olga from Ageberry
Tip 13: “Just dive in. At the end of the day, it’s just a dress or bag or whatever else I’m making. Sewing is my mama zen time and the time spent learning skills and my machines is often as valuable as whether the project “works.” -Becky of

Tip 14: “When trying a new pattern, first make a muslin from inexpensive fabric to find any fit or machine issues before working it up with the final fabric.” -Amanda of CS Custom Clothing 

Tip 15: “Sewing is a set of many different skills to learn. Start small to gain confidence. Practice on old sheets, watch videos, read sewing blogs, look for online tutorials and don’t be afraid to ask for help! Every project teaches you something.” Brooke of Idle Sunshine
Tip 16: “Your sewing machine manual is a great resource. I spent quite a while making a mess of things before I realized that my manual had a lot of the answers to my problems in it!” -Danielle from DIYDanielle
Tip 17: “My best advice for a beginner would be that it’s okay to make ugly things. It will take awhile before your skills catch up with your taste. Keep at it. Make some easy things so that you have some wins under your belt, but also challenge yourself to build your skills and step outside your comfort zone.” Beth of Mermaid’s Den
Tip 18: ” “Remember to have fun and always keep a pair of small scissors next to your sewing machine.” Beth from Sew DIY

Tutorials to Get Started Sewing

Make sure to get the Sew Organized Phone app to help organize your sewing and fabric.Sew Organized phone app for sewists, available on iOS and Android devices.

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Tips and tricks for sewing from top sewing bloggers.

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starofservice avis

Thursday 21st of June 2018

Thank you for these great tips. I am a beginner and I intend to put myself in the sewing to realize DIY.