The best gardening and compost posts from sustainable living bloggers: From edible weeds to biosolid composting, learn more about what it takes to have a great, productive garden.
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In 2016, I was running a link party called Sustainable Sundays and each week, all of these wonderful Sustainable Living Bloggers would link up amazing content. I decided to stop doing the link party after about 25 weeks, but I wanted to keep the fabulous content… in a slightly more organized manner.
I decided to organize the featured content into several roundup posts, each around a particular topic. Today’s topic is Gardening and Compost.
Most of these bloggers have their own gardens, but they also harvest weeds such as dandelions for salve, food, and more. I think it’s fair to say we all love our compost bins and we enjoy the fruits of our labor each summer with beautiful, edible gardens. Here are some of my favorite posts about gardening and composting.
Best Gardening & Composting Posts
The best gardening and composting posts if you're just getting started gardening and want to learn more!
Yarrow: A Common Weed That's Good Medicine
Learn about why you want to grow yarrow in your garden.
15 Common Weeds You Should be EATING not killing!
15 Weeds you can forage for to eat.
Learn about Worm Composting
Read all about vermicomposting or worm composting.
Growing Tomatoes: Beginner's Guide to Planting Tomatoes
A beginner's guide to growing tomatoes.
How to Grow Vegetables in a Shady Garden
Learn more about what you can grow in a shady garden.
7 Ways to Improve your Garden Soil Naturally
Tips for improving your soil naturally.
Gardens in the Sky: The Rise of Green Urban Architecture
Learn more about how urban architecture is incorporating gardens!
When to Plant Vegetables – A Foolproof Method
Tips for understanding when to plant vegetables.
How to Make Dandelion Salve to Soothe Sore Muscles and Joints
DIY Dandelion Salve recipe
Preventing and Removing Ticks: Safely Removing Ticks, Should Ticks be Tested, & How to Chemically Prevent Tick Bites
Safely dealing with ticks.
Parsnips, perhaps?
Create containers to grow parsnips.
Home Composting System Options for Backyard Composting
Creating a home composting system.
How to Setup a Pond and Patio
Setup a pond and patio with an ecosystem that takes care of itself.
The Difference between Heirloom and Hybrid Plants
Heirloom vs. Hybrid Plants
9 Ways to Grow Food in a Small Garden | HealthyGreenSavvy
How to grow more food in a garden.
Bloom: Biosolids Compost
Learn about biosolids and decide if you want to add humanure to your garden.
How to Start Composting
Tips for getting started composting, as well as a free printable to keep by your bin!
UPCYCLING: DIY Faux Enamelware Compost Bin
Create a enamelware countertop compost bin.
Garden Gift Ideas for Extra Berries, Veggies, Herbs, and Flowers
Gifts you can make from the bounties of your garden.
How to Use Pine Straw as Mulch
Using pine straw as mulch for blueberries and strawberries.
How to Build Simple Privacy Planters with Lattice
Build large privacy planters with lattice. These are perfect for carrots in the front and hardy kiwi in the back.
Best Educational Homesteading and Gardening Podcasts
Learn more about gardens and composting on the go. Here are the best educational homesteading and gardening podcast.
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