Family Paw Patrol costume set that was handmade. The Paw Patrol are on a roll this Halloween and these costumes are easy to make!
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My kids’ favorite TV show has been Paw Patrol. From my first son, G, who is now 7 to my youngest who is 1.5 years old, the show just seems to delight them.
Over the years, I’ve handmade a few costumes to create a family costume for us all. It’s easy enough to DIY or sew, and everyone from the kids to the dog has dressed up.
Here’s the setup for the Paw Patrol family costume. Sorry, almost all of the photos have someone crying in them. Haha.
Mommy as Everest
I went as Everest, a costume that I whipped up quickly. I have a full tutorial for the costume at DIY Everest Costume.
Dog as Zuma
I thought it would only be appropriate to dress the dog up as one of the pups. While my dog is a cocker spaniel, I didn’t want to make a helicopter costume, so we opted for the next best thing- water pup Zuma!
Learn how to make a dog Zuma costume.
Son as Ryder
My sons have gone as Ryder for a couple of years. This is a favorite costume because it’s SO sensory friendly.
It’s just a simple jacket styled to look like Ryder’s jacket from Paw Patrol. Snuggle a Paw Patrol Stuffed Toy and you’ve got Ryder and his pup- I LOVE these beanie baby toy versions!
Here are some other Paw Patrol costume ideas if you’re interested!
Mom as Farmer Yumi
In 2019, I dressed up as Farmer Yumi for our Paw Patrol Trunk or Treat setup.

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