A simple Paw Patrol Trunk or Treat idea for your Halloween festivities. This is a great, low key option for decorating your trunk.
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This was the first year that we signed up for a Trunk or Treat so I didn’t know what to expect. At our old house, we lived next to THE neighborhood to trick or treat in, but now we’ll need to drive somewhere. So Trunk or Treat made sense.
So I signed up to decorate a trunk with some basic ideas in mind.
But Pinterest is so overwhelming with ideas! Like someone BUILT A WOOD STRUCTURE for their trunk?! That’s crazy talk. I mean, awesome. But I won’t spend a lot of money on a trunk. This is fun.
I joked on my Facebook page that I’m torn between wanting to make my kids lives magical and telling them to do what I did as a kid if I wanted magic- go read a book. LOL!
Paw Patrol Trunk Decor
Paw Patrol Logo
I whipped up this realllllly rough Paw Patrol logo using leftover fleece from my son’s Paw Patrol Ryder Vest. Originally I made a sleeveless vest a few years ago for my first son, but this year I redid it with a YouTube video to show a long sleeve single layer version.
For this logo, I just layered the pieces and sewed the white down with a straight stitch. It holds everything in place.

Pretty sure I could have cut the fabric better with my Cricut Maker but I was in a rush.
To hang it, I used packing tape. Nothing fancy.
Piece of blue flannel fabric for the backdrop
Just a piece of blue flannel that I had in my sewing room. It was a couple yards so it was big enough to go across the back of my trunk. I tucked it into the head rests to hold it up.

Hay bale
This was an authentic hay bale ($7 from local farmer). I left it in my trunk after I went to pick up hay for the goats. It was fresh and smelled good… I might not have kept it in there if it’d been an older bale. You need to make sure not to buy hay/straw from a big brand store that keeps their hay outside… it gets wet and moldy. NOT what you want in your car.
Paw Patrol play mat to cover floor
This was probably unnecessary, but it’ll make the hay easier to clean up. I believe this was the Mega Mat and it’s plastic, not felt, so it’s wipeable.
Just some twine I picked up at the Dollar Tree. Three pack for $1 and I use it for crafts here and there.
Orange Balloons
Also picked up at the Dollar Tree, these orange balloons were blown up (with the free stuff from my lungs- although I have asthma so free is relative).
Then I used a large needle to thread the twine through the “belly button” of the balloons. The part without the air in it— don’t put the needle through the blown up part, haha.
I tied either end of the string of balloons to the handles above the windows which worked to cloak the fact that the blue fabric didn’t go all the way to the ceiling. Voila!
Look Out Tower Toy
A Look Out Tower toy we had around because my kids have a huge Paw Patrol set, thanks to three kids in a row being obsessed.
Paw Patroller Toy
Also had this Paw Patroller toy around. Didn’t bring any small toys because I didn’t want to lose any of them or deal with small things.
The nice thing about the toys being in the back of the car is that once we finished trick or treating at the other cars, my 2 year old played with the toys a bit while we waited for other kids to finish coming to our car.

Two baskets
We had two baskets for treats because I like to offer both candy and a non candy option for kids with allergies or for parents who are overwhelmed with all the candy their kid is getting. Haha.

You could also just use the open trucks to put candy in!
Candy or toys for treats.
Non Candy Options for Halloween
- Bubbles
- Stamps
- Sticky spiders/cats/etc.: These are some glow in the dark skeletons
- Bat rings (little toy rings)
- Halloween Pencils
- Halloween Erasers
- Pumpkin stress balls
- Balloons
- Play Doh
- Stickers
- Glow sticks
- Vampire fangs
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