How to sew your own Ergobaby Teething Pads. This includes instructions on how to make your own pattern for the drool pads so you can adjust it for other carriers, if desired. You’ll need ribbon, snaps or hook and loop, an exterior fabric, interior fabric, and a lining, if desired.
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Please read the whole post so you don’t miss any important information!
I am fairly behind in terms of prepping for baby, as we were all sick for soooooo long this winter, then I attended the SNAP DIY Blogging Conference at the end of April. It was a lot of fun and I was eager to come home to get started with everything I learned.
Of course, I came home sore from travel, spent the day with my family, and rushed down the stairs to get some work done once my kids went to bed…. annnnnd… slid down several stairs, catching myself with my poor wrist so I didn’t fall too far. And now I’m really sore. Glorious.
But I’m focused here. Going to make some baby stuff so this poor baby doesn’t arrive and not have some pretty basic necessities (like all of the cloth diapers I need to make him). I’ve mostly been focused on trying to make myself some clothes that fit, like these Easy Maternity Shorts, so I’m barely started on anything for baby. But now that I’m outfitted, it’s time to work on some projects for Baby Optimus Prime.
Today’s project was to sew these easy teething pads for a baby carrier. They fit onto the Ergobaby Carrier that we’ve used for both of my older boys and give baby something to chew, rather than chewing directly on the straps (which leaves drool marks). It’s a lot easier to launder the chew pads than it is to wash the whole carrier.
This is a pretty easy project, even for an amateur seamstress. Hope my tutorial is helpful!
- Exterior Fabric, Interior Fabric, Lining (if desired) x 2 of each: 7″ tall x 8″ wide
- Ribbon: 6.75″ long (2)
- Snaps or hook and loop
DIY Teething Pads for Ergo
Creating a Pattern for Drool Pads on a Baby Carrier
I want to cover this first, in case you have a different carrier or maybe your Ergo is slightly different sized.
First you want to measure the area that you want the drool pads to cover. On my Ergobaby Carrier, the area from the top of my carrier to the snap (that holds the hood) is nearly 6.5″ long. This is the direction that you want your print to go in.
For the width of your drool pads, you need to measure around the thickest part of the carrier strap. It’s nearly 7″ around on mine.
Now, my measurements were a bit bigger than the actual size of the items, but I still want to add a seam allowance. I decided to do 1/2″ seam allowance, but I wanted to account for my big measurements (measure exactly and this won’t be an issue). For the cut, we need to add 1/2″ to both the bottom and top, but only 1/2″ to the side.
I decided on final measurements of: 7″ tall x 7.5″ wide. I know… I’m really being flexible here. You may want to go wider on the width though, particularly if you plan to use hook and loop, so you have lots of room for overlap. I’m going to reference an 8″ width from here out because I don’t want people to find themselves short. It’s better to have overlap.
Cutting and Preparing to Sew the Teething Pads
You’ll want to cut one piece of exterior fabric this size, one piece of lining, and one piece of interior fabric. All should be 7×8″. The lining can be slightly smaller. I used fusible t-shirt interfacing because my exterior fabric is a knit and I wanted to stabilize it. If you want a thicker pad, you could add fusible fleece. I don’t have any fusible fleece on hand that would work for this project, but I used some sew on fleece to add a bit of absorbency to this. I only used BOTH types because I changed my mind halfway through it all.

First, I ironed on my fusible interfacing to the exterior fabric.
Then I decided to quilt the exterior fabric with the fleece liner. I am using the word “quilt” loosely here because I am nottttt a quilter. I sewed along the lines.
Once I did this, I pinned my back fabric right sides together with my exterior fabric.
I sandwiched my ribbon between the inner and outer fabric in a loop so that when I sew, I will run over the ends of the ribbon to hold it in place.

Sewing Your Teething Pads
Now that it’s all pinned right sides together, you want to sew around the whole pad, leaving an area along the side to turn it. I made sure to back stitch over my ribbon for additional stability.

Once sewn, turn right sides out, making sure to poke the corners out. Use your iron to press it. Top stitch, closing the hole up.
Now you just need to sew on some hook and loop, or you can add snaps. I prefer snaps.

Video Tutorial
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Monday 3rd of April 2023
Great pattern, and great idea! I need exactly this -- but to avoid the shoulder straps of my oxygen tank holder from digging into my shoulders! Bet you didn't know how useful your pattern was!
My question is, for the originally intended purpose of the teething pads, what is the purpose of the ribbons?