How to make pretty covers for your sea bands. These easy to sew covers can help hide the itchy or ugly fabric of your sea bands.
Sea bands are used to combat motion sickness or morning sickness. My sea bands saved me during my pregnancy with my first son, but they are super uncomfortable to wear 24/7 for the first trimester. They’re very warm in the summer and soak up sweat easily. They also get worn out from all the wear and washing (I threw mine through the wash frequently because they’d get wet and gross), and the fabric just is a bit scratchy to begin with. I wanted to upgrade mine and make them more comfortable to wear, particularly in the summer heat.
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I’ve been trying to make my own, but I’ve been unable to find the acupressure buttons to buy. I made a pair using some buttons I found at the craft store, but decided to try making covers for the bands that I have as well. The problem with the buttons is that they flop from side to side vs the acupressure buttons on the sea bands stay in one place because they appear to be snapped on, not sewn.
How to Sew Covers for Sea Bands
- Sea bands
- Knit fabric
- Sewing machine, etc.
- Lace
I started by taking two pieces of fabric (I used some leftover knit fabric from my yoga pants) that were 7.5″x5.5″. You may want to make them a little longer as I did have issues slipping them on and off easily.

I folded them in half, right sides together, and sewed along the long edge.

Next we need to insert our sea bands. This is the tricky part because you can’t take the Sea Bands apart without destroying them. So I needed to insert these into the fabric.

I held up my Sea Band, then folded the fabric over it like this. Your raw edges should meet.

I folded over the edges of the fabric so there are no raw edges showing, inserted a little lace in between and pinned.

Here’s a picture with the lace added.
As you sew, you want to pull the fabric straight, but don’t stretch the fabric. The Sea Band is essentially an elastic and the “cover” is a casing for the elastic. When you sew them, if you don’t pull the fabric straight, the fabric will scrunch up while you’re sewing it.
Sew a stretch stitch around, making sure to catch both sides of the fabric and the lace, but NOT the sea band.
What I’d Change Next Time
- Make the fabric longer (I think if I can stretch the Sea Band fully and measure it than that is the length I’d like to do). I’d be interested in making the band covers thinner as well, although I really love how these turned out.
- Before tucking the Sea Bands into the cover, I would baste the lace onto the inside of one side of the fabric (after folding the edge over of course). Then I’d insert the Sea band and sew as I did before. I think this would have prevented me from using too little lace like I did on one, as well as kept me from making the bands too small… they were a tight squeeze to get over my hands because the lace has no stretch to it (unlike the fabric and SeaBands) and of course, it’s sewed in place so tightly. I’d also try to do a better job of stretching it all out as I sew everything closed.
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Saturday 2nd of March 2019
KAM snaps are the best alternative to use for the accupressure point.