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How to Make Potato Stamps

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Learn how to make potato stamps without cookie cutters or any specialized equipment. This was a quick homeschool project with my kids!

We’ve been homeschooling my two older sons this year and have done a number of fun projects with them. I like to work with what I have on hand because I’m struggling to get to the store with the 3 littles at home. Today we’re making potato stamps which the kids LOVED.

Last week we made DIY old fashioned paper. We’ve been reading You wouldn’t want to live without writing and You wouldn’t want to live without books. This series is pretty fun- lots of gross details that kids love, but the books are packed with information that covers history, science, and health.

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Please read the whole post so you don’t miss any important information!

How to Make Simple Potato Stamps


  • Potatoes
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Ink Pad Or Paint
  • Knife
  • Paper
  • Toothpicks


1. Cut potatoes in half.

2. Put your tomato raw sides down on a piece of paper and trace around it. This gives you a template so your design won’t be too big.

3. Draw bubble letter on paper. Thicker, larger letters work best. Don’t forget to make sure your letter on the stamp is reversed!

Left: Making a template of the potato end. 
Right: Drawing the bubble letters inside the template.
Left: Making a template of the potato end.
Right: Drawing the bubble letters inside the template.

4. Cut out bubble letter.

5. Place letter upside down on your potato. Trace.

6. Use a knife to carefully carve the letter out.

7. Place stamp on ink pad or apply paint. Use as a stamp.

Left: Cutting out the letter.
Right: Tracing the letter upside down on the top of the potato.
Left: Cutting out the letter.
Right: Tracing the letter upside down on the top of the potato.
Left: Cutting sides off the potato.
Right: Painting the letter on the potato with safe paints for kids.
Left: Cutting sides off the potato.
Right: Painting the letter on the potato with safe paints for kids.
DIY Potato Stamps with yellow and red paint, as well as the paper they were stamped on.

Please share and pin this post! If you make this project, share it in our Stuff Mama Makes Facebook Group. We have regular giveaways for gift cards to craft stores. You can also tag me on Instagram @doityourselfdanielle; I love seeing everything you make!

How to make potato stamps with supplies you already have at home. This is a great homeschool project!
How to make potato stamps with supplies you already have at home. These were made with leftover potatoes, paint, and kitchen knives... the kids drew their own bubble letters.

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