Stock up on grab-and-go gifts and fill your gift closet with 30 days of simple gift ideas and tutorials for sewing, woodworking, concrete, and more!
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Do you keep a “gift closet?” I do. I like to store up items through the year that I make or get on sale. When holidays come up, I have some easy gifts that I can grab and go. This is particularly useful for unexpected or forgotten events. I detest last minute shopping- at a store (gasp). Seriously though, having kids makes shopping in the store a pain. If I can plan it out, I shop online. But I’m sometimes not that organized- I’m a bit scatterbrained because I usually always have way too much on my plate.
For the 30 days in September, I’m going to be giving you a video tutorial EVERY day with fun gift ideas. These are great for stocking up for Christmas or for other times when you need a gift to grab as you run out the door. I’ll be posting tutorials using wood, concrete, fabric, and more.
Some Tips for the Upcoming Video Series
- The best way to make a lot of gifts for your gift closet is to make several at once. You have to use an assembly line type process. Ie. Cut all of your fabric, then pin all of your fabric, then sew all of your fabric. This makes it faster.
- I’ll post some videos on YouTube, but I’ll also be putting up a blog post for the gift idea with photos. Make sure to check out both.
- Make sure to pick up all of your supplies in advance.
- Share your final projects on my Show & Tell page! I would LOVE to see how your gifts turned out.
Do you have any suggestions for what I should post about? Leave a comment below.
An Introduction to the Grab & Go Easy DIY Gift Series
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