Looking for kids gift ideas this Christmas? Here are some of the best stocking stuffers for children that are both affordable and fun!
I’m a HUGE fan of stocking stuffers. They’re a fun way to gift items that everyone needs or wants, with the additional challenge of making sure they’re both affordable and small. I try to focus on items that will get used up- items like fun soaps, bath bombs, lip balm, etc. And while candy is a staple, I try to make sure I don’t add too much candy as we usually still have leftovers from Halloween. It seems like we always get enough candy through the year to worry me about the kids having unhealthy habits… is that just me? It’s a constant challenge.
Regardless, here are some of my favorite stocking stuffers. We have three kids so I often buy items in bulk and divide them among the stockings. I also usually stuff the adult stockings as well. The stocking stuffers are generally a mix of needs, wants, and fun items.
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Best Stocking Stuffers for Kids
These are some of our favorite stocking stuffers to give to our children. Some of these also make great stocking stuffers for adults as well. These items all fit inside a stocking, although you may need to take them out of their original packaging. For multi-packs of items, I usually split them up between the kids (or the kids and the adults).
My kids LOVED these because not only did they get bath bombs, there's also a small surprise toy inside too! It draws out the fun of Christmas. That said, we've also done bath bombs without toys inside and those are almost as much fun!
I feel like the hollow chocolate Santa is a staple item in the stockings of American children. You can't skip this!
Pez dispensers are a HUGE hit with my kids so these are a big win. You can get a Santa version, or add non holiday Pez dispensers.
Christmas (or off season) nail art stickers could be fun for both girls and boys!
My kids LOVE having their own ChapStick so these S'mores flavored lip balms were PERFECT for their stockings. I recommend labeling them.
I love to add some bubble bath. We don't always use bubble bath at our house so it's a special treat. And I feel like Mr. Bubble brings back a lot of fond memories for me!
This falls into the category of items that the kids might be running out of by December. My kids love having their own hand sanitizer to bring to school. These attach to their backpacks.
These little hand held water games are small, and easy to take with them on trips or when running errands. They also fit in the stocking!
We bought these as party favors this year, but they'd make GREAT stocking stuffers. They're small fidget toys that are perfect for wearing to school or other places where it's hard to sit still.
We love pull back cars. While drones and remote control cars are always a big hit, these small pull back cars are a lot of fun! Sometimes the simple things are best.
We LOVE Kinetic Sand, but over time it tends to get a bit dirty. So when it's time to throw out the old stuff, get some new bags as stocking stuffers.
Like the Kinetic Sand, your Play Doh has probably seen better days. Toss the hard mixed Play Doh and buy them a new set for stocking stuffers. Or just toss the Play Doh and refill with homemade Play Doh. They'll never know.
I always like to replace their old toothbrushes with fun new ones in their stocking. These character ones are always a big hit.
These popper toys are a lot of fun and keep kids occupied when eating out at restaurants or waiting at the doctor's office. They're also easy to wash!
These wood blocks are a great educational toy for kids just starting to read.
Do you kids like puzzles? Try getting them a Rubix cube! There's all different types and difficulties on these.
These scratch art notes look like so much fun!
Small flashlights are a great addition to the stocking. They're perfect to use to read in bed, or to use for the flashlight books. They're perfect when the electricity goes out too!
Kids love these hatching egg toys!
Cards games are a great gift that fits inside a stocking. Replace the old set of cards with a new set that doesn't have any missing cards. I think my kids would ADORE the Minecraft version!
I love getting the boys old fashioned toys and showing them how to use them!
Bike lights or a new bike horn are great gifts for kids who love their bikes (or who are getting new bikes for Christmas).
My kids LOVE these hand held drones. They're a lot of fun for indoors!
Underwear and socks are a staple item that I like to stuff in the stocking. For the younger guys, I get them fun ones with characters they love on them.
Is it still nice in your area in December? Glitter sidewalk chalk is an awesome gift.
Sometimes I add a new hat or gloves in the stocking, although I think the kids would prefer these LED light up gloves! These are fun if you're going caroling or do outdoor events at night.
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