How to organize your Blue Apron meals so you don’t get overwhelmed. Proper organization will allow you to quickly prepare and ready your meals each night. This also includes information on recycling and composting your Blue Apron packaging.
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I love getting our Blue Apron deliveries. But I’ve found organizing them is really important to make the process quicker for our nightly meals. I also spend some time organizing my recipes so I can see them for later… all of the meals come with a detailed recipe card so you can make the recipes again!
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Organizing Your Blue Apron Delivery
You’ll receive your Blue Apron meal in a big cardboard box with ice packs inside, as well as the instructions for each meal.
I use small bins to organize each meal’s ingredients into its own place. Then I stack them in the refrigerator. This makes it easier to grab the meals ingredients for each night.

Recycling and Composting Blue Apron Packaging
One thing that I really like about Blue Apron is that they make all of their packaging recyclable. They have detailed information on their website, but here’s the quick breakdown for what I do.
- Cardboard or paper items all go into our regular compost bin or worm compost bin, along with food scraps left from cooking (ie. ends to the vegetable). Some of the food scraps go to the ducks, of course.
- All plastics go into the recycling.
- The ice packs are cut open, rinsed out, and put in the recycling bin.
Organizing Your Blue Apron Recipes
When you like a meal or a part of a meal, save the recipe card. It’s an 8.5×11 sheet of paper. You can use a 3-hole punch then add it to a binder. I usually write notes on the card… for example, sometimes I don’t want to make the main portion of the meal again, but I loved the salad or vegetable. I’ll circle the part that I liked.

And that’s it! Do you organize your Blue Apron deliveries?! If you don’t have Blue Apron yet, go check out this service! It’s SUPER convenient.You can get Get $60 Off Your First 3 Boxes when you use my affiliate link. Don’t forget to check out my other posts, How to Make the Most of Your Free Blue Apron Trial and How to Prep Blue Apron Meals Faster.
Quick video of my organization system
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