We had the paints out the other day so I decided to see if I could make cute cards for the grandparents while I was at it. I should have used card stock, but G had the paint out so I didn’t want to spend too long looking for it and leave him unsupervised.
I’ve never had much luck getting G (now 30 months) to show any interest in doing foot or hand prints so I didn’t have high hopes. I started with Baby K (5 months old) and used my finger to “paint” on some red paint on each of his feet then I pushed his feet down on the top half of the cards so they shape a heart. I did one foot at a time to make it easier.
Of course, G sees me doing this and I look over to see him putting paint on his feet and trying to lift his foot up onto the paper- which was on the table- without falling over. HILARIOUS. I just wish I had a picture of it. I was psyched I had his interest though to do HIS feet next.
For his, I put the papers on the floor and had him sit in my lap as I put the paint on, then I helped him stamp the papers with his feet. He really seemed to like doing it so hopefully there will be more of these in the future.
These paints are similar to the ones we have and work awesome. They’re easy to clean off which is vital.
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