I threw this together today and wanted to share, even though I didn’t take pictures of the process. I may end up putting something together and updating later, but for now I changed the original pattern so much that it’s not even remotely close to the same thing.
The whole vest is three pieces and I serged most of it. The front piece is fitted snuggly to his chest with snaps with the piece underneath his belly being attached by hook and loop. That’s the only part I used my sewing machine for. I made this with sweatshirt jersey (I hope that’s the correct name for it) that you may have also seen used when I made G his Knight’s Tunic.
Here’s some pictures of it on my dog. Yay for my handsome models. He’s got some anxiety issues, like howling while we’re gone and losing his mind in the car, so I’m hoping it will help. Or maybe he’s not anxious and he’s just annoying. Who knows.