I was reading this blog on the Dangers of Disposable Diapers earlier and just wanted to share it with you. It was really interesting, and I hadn’t really thought of some of the concerns mentioned in blog. Pretty interesting and pretty frightening.
This quote was a favorite:
A disposable diaper is practically dripping in oil. Oil is the raw material for the polyethylene plastic in disposables and it takes about 1 cup of crude oil just to make the plastic for 1 disposable diaper. Taking that a bit further, assuming you use at least 6,500 diapers, this means that it takes about 1,625 quarts of oil to diaper your baby for 30 months—not including the oil involved in the diapers’ manufacture and delivery.
From Dangers of Disposable Diapers
Just in case you needed a reason to cloth diaper, other than the obvious cute, fluffy factor.
Read more about Cloth Diapering on my blog entry “Exploring Cloth Diapering” or check out my first cloth diapers that I’ve made… you can totally do this too!