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Tuesday 8th of December 2015
Loved all your attempts to design a "dress" for your electric toothbrush. I thought I was the only one in the world that thought it was gross inside my Sonic Care. When I talked to the company, they acted clueless and just sent me a new brush head which did nothing of course. Then when I slammed the product on Amazon, people came out of the woodwork to support Sonic Care. I think you should pitch your product to Sonic Care. I take my toothbrush apart twice a day after use and rinse it out. Still doesn't solve problem. Now, I leave it out to dry in between uses. Helps a bit more. It is all a pain in the arse. Thanks for validating my feelings. Cheryl
Tuesday 8th of December 2015
Lol no problem! It drives me crazy. Someone made a plastic covering but I haven't tried it. This has worked pretty well and I think our next toothbrush will be a different brand. I've heard the Oral B ones with the round heads are supposed to be excellent for teeth clean. But a friend did tell me Sonic Care has designed their toothbrushes so they won't have this problem anymore. Just not interested in buying yet ANOTHER of these brushes to have them getting molded. Theoretically this isn't supposed to happen if you take the brush head off after every use, but I don't see myself leaving the brush head to sit on my counter (yuck?).
Anyhow I'm glad someone appreciated that post... haha. I figured others would be in same boat but didn't get a lot of interest in that one.