OH NO! Baby G has been getting marks from his one-size diapers and we’ve been trying to narrow down the problem. With the help of the women on the BabyCenter CD Sewing 101 Board, we’re trying to figure out what might be wrong. In the meantime, we’re using some disposable diapers so his legs will …
DIY Cloth Diapers and Ideas
Sewing cloth diapers that use hook and loop.This post may contain affiliate links. Using these links helps support my blog. Thank you!
Generally when you sew cloth diapers (pockets, AI2 and AIOs anyways) you want to have Pul as an outer. This really is a easy way to prevent problems with wicking… wicking is when the pee decides to travel out of the diaper via the fabric. Certain fabrics wick different. I’m not the best person to …
I was reading this blog on the Dangers of Disposable Diapers earlier and just wanted to share it with you. It was really interesting, and I hadn’t really thought of some of the concerns mentioned in blog. Pretty interesting and pretty frightening.This quote was a favorite: A disposable diaper is practically dripping in oil. Oil is the …
A complete guide to sewing cloth diapers faster and more efficiently, especially when you are making them in bulk. This guide reviews how to make cloth diapers, types of cloth diapers, fabric choices, cost analysis, time requirement and more.